WordPress Plugins Blog

Can I bulk create products?
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Can I bulk create products?

Yes. Bulk creation is possible through spreadsheet upload. Simply have the following headings for your spreadsheet: Name, Slug, Description, Image, Link, Category, Sub-Category, Tags, Custom Fields, Additional Image.nnEach row used will be a new product.

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What file types should the spreadsheet for product import be?
What file types should the spreadsheet for product import be?

Spreadsheets should be either .xls or .xlsx

How to add a sale price?
How to add a sale price?

Under the products tab, upon creating your product you may add the original price and the sales price under the “Price” and “Sale Price” field. If your product has already been created, click on the product on sale on your Products tab. Then, add the price under the “Sale Price” field.nn

How do I change the text of certain fields?
How do I change the text of certain fields?

You may re-label most fields found on the front end. To do so, go under Options > Labelling, and relabel the Strings you would like to change.n

Can I put multiple catalogs within one page?
Can I put multiple catalogs within one page?

It is not suggested to add multiple catalogs within a page. We would suggest you creating multiple categories to organize your products, instead of creating multiple catalogs.

Can I prefilter a category through URL?
Can I prefilter a category through URL?

Yes. Under Catalogues > Your Catalogue, you should be able to retrieve the catalogue ID. With this value in hand you will be able to filter your catalogue. The URL should look like the following:nnwww.yourdomain.com/catalogue-page/?categories=XnnWhere X is the value of the catalogue ID, catalogue-page is the page your main catalog is displayed in. You can… READ POST

How do I increase the number of products in a row in the thumbnail view?
How do I increase the number of products in a row in the thumbnail view?

The thumbnails have a set width and take up the available space in your theme’s main container. If you wanted to force it to be more per row and take up all available space, one thing you could try doing is changing the width of each thumbnail to be a percentage. You’d have to take… READ POST

Custom Fields Not Saving
Custom Fields Not Saving

If your custom fields are not saving correctly, check your input values and remove any spaces after commas.nnHere is an example:nnCustom field: ColournValues: red, blue, greennResult: red is the only value displayednnCustom field: ColournValues: red,blue,greennResult: red, blue and green display

How do I add my slider?
How do I add my slider?

Add the [ ultimate-slider ] shortcode to any page on your site. You need to first have slides created for something to display. You can create slides by going to “Ultimate Slider > Add New” in your WordPress admin menu to create your slider.

Activating Premium Version
Activating Premium Version

After purchasing the plugin, you will receive a welcome email that includes your product key. The key can only be entered once. Therefore, you may only use the premium version of the plugin on one domain.nnOn your dashboard, after clicking the plugin on your sidebar, you will be able to enter your key code in… READ POST

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